s e l l e r s b u r g

2025 Town of Sellersburg Paving Projects

The INDOT Community Crossing Matching Grant (CCMG) Road Projects within the Town of Sellersburg will be starting in late spring of 2025 with an estimated completion in September of 2025. Once the public bidding process was complete, the project award was won by MAC Construction. Scheduled work will include mill/paving, concrete curb repair, roadside storm drain repairs, road markings where applicable, and sidewalk repairs where applicable.

As part of the project specifications, MAC Construction will be posting advance notice on the roads they will be working. This will give residents the notice they need to be aware of when work will begin on their roadways.

For the Town to qualify for funding, the Town Council will provide local matching funds of 25% from a funding source approved for road and bridge construction. As part of the CCMG Program, INDOT will provide the remaining 75% of the funding need.

Within Sellersburg Town limits, the following road rehabilitation projects will be completed in 2025 as part of CCMG:

E. St. Joe from Alabama to Dreyer Ln.

The Greenwood Subdivision (Banner Ave., Emerald Dr., and Celesta Way from Banner to Greenwood Rd.)

High St., Novel Ln. (from St. Paul to US31), and Deidrick Way (from Hauss Ave. to the dead-end)

Smith Ln. from E. Utica St. to N. Fern St.

The portion of Perry Crossing Rd. within the Town of Sellersburg’s Town Borders.

The Millview Neighborhood (Millview Dr., Millview St., Circle Dr., and Bottorff St.)

Lakeside Neighborhood Cul-de-sacs (Bridge Ct., Sunset Dr., Brandon Circle., and Lakeside Ct.)

Lake Pointe Neighborhood (Karie Dr. and Paul’s Place)



It is finally upon us… The US31 improvement project. Utility relocations will begin in March and run through the end of the year 2025. Once complete, the actual US31 project will begin and is scheduled to continue through all or most of 2026 depending on weather. To see all the construction plans related to this project as well as an informational video that was part of the community meeting held at Town Hall on 9/15/22, click the button below.

An enlarged set of renderings are also available to view at Town Hall.

Project Points of Fact:

  • A third lane will be added the entire distance from Utica Street to 403. 
  • 403 intersection will be reconstructed/modified.
  • US31/Prather Ln. intersection will be reconstructed/modified.
  • There are no roundabouts as part of this project.
  • Complete sidewalks will be constructed from Prather Lane to Silver Creek Campus. Sidewalk repairs from Silver Creek Campus to Indiana Avenue in Speed.
  • This project will add significant stormwater improvements along the corridor to help address stormwater issues in and around downtown Sellersburg.
  • Signalized crosswalks will be added at several locations within the project including Hauss Avenue, the Library, and Utica Street.
  • INDOT will be constructing a new permanent stop light at E. St. Joe and SR60 in the fall of this year in preparation for the US31 construction to take place in 2026. This light is something the Town was able to work with INDOT on as everyone locally knows the danger of this intersection already. Traffic is expected to increase here as a means of avoiding 31 to get to SC schools during the project.

Thank you to INDOT for this additional stop light project prior to the start of the US31 Project.

-Stoplight at SR60 and W. St. Joe Rd
-Roundabout at SR60 and CR311
-Roundabout at SR60 and Perry Crossing
-Roundabout at SR60 and Grantline Rd.


The Town is also working with the Clark County Commissioners on a CR311 reconstruction/improvement project from SR60 to Enterprise Dr. This project will add a lane, multi-use path along the roadway, and streetscapes. CR311 (Charlestown Rd) through Town is a Clark County Highway and not a Town road. We thank the Clark County Commissioners for working with us to solve this long overdue roadway improvement project.

If you concern regarding any INDOT projects, need to report an issue, or general concern, please contact INDOT through their link below:

Creation of Jeff/Utica Fire District Impact on all Government Units in the Clark County

The City of Jeffersonville and the Utica Township Fire District are seeking to creating a new taxing territory that will consolidate their fire protection and add a new EMS/ambulance service for the two units of government. The proposed budget for this new taxing territory is $35.1 million.


  • The Jeffersonville/Utica taxing territory has allocated $7 million for the EMS portion. They anticipate generating $3 million from service fees which means the portion covered by tax revenue will be $4 million. County-wide EMS service is currently provided by the Clark County Commissioners via Heartland Ambulances. The cost of this service for the entire county is $3 million. Jeffersonville and Utica Township both receive coverage under the existing county contract.
  • The proposed taxing territory has allocated $28.1 million of the total budget for fire protection services. The current budget for Jeffersonville’s fire services is $14 million.
  • All cities, towns, townships, schools, fire protection districts, and libraries in Clark County will lose money from their budgets annually. The impact analysis links below show the impact over the next 3 years. The new taxing territory gives a larger portion of the available tax revenue to the City of Jeffersonville to cover the proposed $35.1 million budget. This leaves less money available for the other units including schools, towns, and townships.

The creation of the Jeff/Utica Fire District has residual impacts to ALL Government Units of Clark County, not just those in Jeffersonville and Utica.

In the Baker Tilly report above, the numbers do not show the total loss from the base year. It shows the base year, then each year’s deduction from the previous year, leading to some confusion regarding the total impacts.

The downloadable Impact Analysis spreadsheet below, shows the overall impact to all the taxing units.

Click the button below to view the informational public hearing that was hosted on 2/20/25 at Jeffersonville City Council.

Now Hiring…

The Town of Sellersburg Parks is seeking a qualified Pool & Events Manager. This seasonal position earns between $19.55 – $22.29 per hour depending on qualifications and experience.

Applications will be accepted until Monday, March 3, 2025, with interviews to follow.

To view the entire job description, click the link below.

To apply, please complete an application and return it to Sellersburg Town Hall located at 316 E. Utica Street, Sellersburg Indiana. It is located across from the Sellersburg Post Office. Or email it to Info@sellersburg.org

The Town of Sellersburg Water Utility is seeking a qualified Water Technician Team Member. This full-time position earns between $23.73 – $29.42 per hour depending on qualifications, experience, and licensing.

Applications will be accepted until Monday, March 3, 2025, with interviews to follow.

To view the entire job description, click the link below.

Applications will be accepted until Monday, March 3, 2025.

To apply, please complete an application and return it to Sellersburg Town Hall located at 316 E. Utica Street, Sellersburg Indiana. It is located across from the Sellersburg Post Office. Or email it to Info@sellersburg.org



Please click the link below to report a pothole near you. Street Department Crews will be out as soon as the weather permits to start getting potholes fixed!

Having a Sellersburg Postal Address does not always mean the Town of Sellersburg manages your roadway. You could live in an area that is managed by the Clark County Highway Department, City of Jeffersonville, Town of Clarksville, or even the Floyd County Highway Department.

*Charlestown Road (CR-311) from SR60 to Prather Ln., Poindexter Ln., areas of E. St Joe Rd., Speed, anything in the W. St Joe area, and parts of Perry Crossing Road are Clark County’s roadways. Potholes on these roads can be reported by clicking here: Clark County Indiana Government Portal

*US31 (Indiana Ave.) and SR60 are INDOT Highways. Potholes on these roads can be reported by clicking here: Report a Concern Public – Customer Support

Service Line Inventory Information from Sellersburg Water

The Town is required, like other water utilities established before 1986, to begin a service line inventory within our system by the EPA and IDEM (Indiana Department of Environmental Management). While we know what our watermains are, the builder of your home/business was responsible for anything from the meter to the structure and within the structure.

The Sellersburg Water Utility Department is focused on protecting the health of every household in our community and is working to identify service line materials throughout the water system.

The notices are being distributed to customers with unknown service line materials as required by the EPA. This notice does not mean we believe your drinking water is unsafe.

If you do not know what material your service line is, and if your home was built before 1986, there is the potential that some or all of the service line could be made of lead or galvanized pipe that was previously connected to lead. People living in homes with a lead or galvanized pipe previously connected to a lead service line have an increased risk of exposure to lead from their drinking water.

FIRST STEP: Identifying Service Line Material

EPA has developed an online step-by-step guide to help people identify lead pipes in their homes called Protect Your Tap: A Quick Check for Lead. It is available at: EPA’s How to Check Your Water Service Line.  

To help develop the service line inventory, please complete the survey by clicking the following link after you have identified your service line material: Sellersburg Water Service Line Inventory Survey.

Health Effects of Lead

Exposure to lead in drinking water can cause serious health effects in all age groups. Infants and children can have decreases in IQ and attention span. Lead exposure can lead to new learning and behavior problems or worsen existing learning and behavior problems. The children of women who are exposed to lead before or during pregnancy can have increased risk of these negative health effects. Adults can have increased risks of heart disease, high blood pressure, and kidney, or nervous system problems.

Steps You Can Take to Reduce Lead in Drinking Water.

As noted above, receiving notice does not mean we believe your drinking water is unsafe. However, if you are concerned, below are steps that you may take, separately or in combination, to address your concerns about lead in your drinking water. The list also includes where you may find more information and is not intended to be a complete list or to imply that all actions equally reduce lead in drinking water. 

Get Your Child Tested to Determine Lead Levels in Their Blood

If you have a lead or galvanized service line or the service line material is unknown, you may wish to speak with a healthcare provider to see if your child’s blood lead level is elevated and/or if there is a need for blood testing, if you are concerned about potential exposure. Please visit the CDC’s Recommended Actions Based on Blood Lead Level for information on these actions.

For more information on reducing lead exposure from your drinking water and the health effects of lead, visit EPA’s website at http://www.epa.gov/lead.

Opportunity to Replace Lead or Galvanized Service Lines

If you determine your service line is lead or galvanized pipe, contact the Sellersburg Water Utility Department via email by clicking here: LCCR@sellersburg.org and please provide your name, address, city, telephone number, and email. We will keep your information on file as the Town is awaiting guidance from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) regarding their programming and funding opportunities for service line replacements.

Sellersburg Water Fall Hydrant Flushing

The Sellersburg Water Utility will be conducting hydrant flushing throughout the water service system in late October of 2024.

For the Sellersburg Service Area, all customers north of the Sellersburg Water Plant located on Holmans Lane, flushing will begin October 21st. For full details, please click the link: Sellersburg Area Fall Hydrant Flushing – Sellersburg Service Area

For the Jeffersonville Service area, all customers south of the Sellersburg Water Plant located on Holmans Lane, flushing will begin October 28th. For full details, please click the link: Hydrant Flushing Jeffersonville Service Area of Sellersburg Water

Ordinance Updates Input Opportunity

The Town of Sellersburg Council is asking for input from Town of Sellersburg Residents regarding updates to the Town’s Code, related to nuisances, as part of updating out of date General Regulation Ordinances. Some of these have not been review since the 1970’s.

Please read through the information below in its entirety. Instructions for email submissions is outlined below. However, it is preferred and encouraged that you come make public comment at one September Town Council Meetings held on September 9th and September 23rd beginning at 6pm at Town Hall.


The first update is related to mowing of yards. Currently, the Grass and Noxious Weed Standards in the Town Code do not include maintenance of landscaped areas.

What this update would do is include landscaped areas to not have overgrowth of 9″ or more of certain weeds. It does not permit the Town to dictate how bushes are trimmed, if it is mulched or not, etc.

What it does do is hold a minimum standard of maintenance to not allow uncontrolled growth of certain weeds and invasive species as outlined by the Purdue Extension Office.

Please review the attached draft of the existing and proposed Town Codes. If you have input on this topic, please attend a Town Council Meeting starting at 6pm and held at Town Hall on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month to have your comments heard. If you would like to contact your Town Councilman, you find their contact information and district map by clicking here: Town Councilman Information. When emailing your Councilman, please include your name and address within your email.

Town Code §95.01§95.04 PUBLIC NUISANCES & §95.15 – §95.17 ABATEMENT PROCEDURES

The second Town Code up for review is in response to the #1 complaint from residents: Code Enforcement Issues. The Town Council is seeking input from residents on how best to address this concern by updating the Town Code that relates to Public Nuisances.

The Town’s current Public Nuisance Ordinances are very dated and do not do a very good job of explaining what a ‘public nuisance’ is. In addition, the Town’s structure has changed as to who would carry out the enforcement process.

The proposed updates are an attempt to add context and definition to what a ‘public nuisance’ is. Within the proposed updates, there is extensive list of examples as to what constitutes a ‘public nuisance’ as well as a more clearly outlined path of notification, enforcement, and abatement processes to help clean up the Town of Sellersburg.

Please review the attached draft of the existing and proposed Town Codes. If you have input on this topic, please attend a Town Council Meeting starting at 6pm and held at Town Hall on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month to have your comments heard. If you would like to contact your Town Councilman, you find their contact information and district map by clicking here: Town Councilman Information. When emailing your Councilman, please include your name contact information within your email in the event they have follow-up questions for.

You can also email the general information inbox at info@sellersburg.org. Again, please include your name and contact information.

Sellersburg Celebrates Parade Route Traffic Alert

2024 Parade Traffic Notice:

Please note road closures as part of the 2024 Sellersburg Celebrates Parade. Beginning approx. 10am thru Noon on 8/24/24, ALL cross streets along the parade route will be closed. This includes US31 and New Albany Streets.

Please detour via using St. Joe East between Speed and SR60 or Salem-Noble Road between CR403 and SR62 during this time.


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