Building, Construction Permitting, & Code Enforcement

Building Commissioner
Jeremy Corbett
(812)246-3821 opt. 3
Jeremy Corbett joined the Town of Sellersburg as Building Commissioner in late June of 2022. Jeremy has been in the construction industry for over 25 years and brings over 10 years of construction inspection experience to the role. He holds multiple International Code Council (ICC) Certifications related to inspections.

Asst. Building Commissioner/MS4/Code Enforcement
Bart Meyer
Mr. Meyer has been the MS4 Compliance Coordinator for the Town of Sellersburg since 2019. The Primary functions are working to educate the Public and Municipal employees on BMP’s(Best Management Practices) as well as working with building contractors to ensure proper BMP’s are in place on active construction sites and working to resolve drainage issues within the Town of Sellersburg.
Mr. Meyer also works with the Building Inspector assisting with permitting, code enforcement, and building inspections. Mr. Meyer is a Certified Storm Water Inspector, a Qualified Professional Inspector, a U.S. Navy Veteran, and has a background in Construction and IT Consulting. Mr. Meyer grew up in the Town of Sellersburg and takes great pride in working to keep the Town one of the best places in Southern Indiana.

Permitting Admin
LaDonna Broadus
What to Expect
The Office of Building, Construction Permitting, and Code Enforcement is responsible for the oversight of construction in The Town of Sellersburg through a review process that includes the review of construction plans and issuance of permits and conducting inspections.
This process is in place to ensure the safety of citizens and compliance with the Indiana Building Codes and associated codes and ordinances. The office of the Building Commission issues Building, HVAC/Mechanical, Electrical, Fire detection, Fire suppression, Moving, Wrecking and other Miscellaneous permits.
In addition to issuing building permits and conducting inspections, this department oversees the licensure of contractor’s and property maintenance complaints. This department also oversees the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) and Best Management Practices (BMP’s) for storm water management and drainage.
The MS4 program consists of Six Minimum Control Measures (MCM’s). Public Education and Outreach, Public Participation and Involvement, Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination, Construction Site Storm Water Runoff and Control, Post Construction Storm Water Runoff Control and Municipal Operations Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping.
The enforcement powers of the Building Commission are established by the State of Indiana Department of Homeland Security, and the Indiana State Fire Marshal.
For Permitting related to Planning, Zoning, or Variances, please click the link below:
Sellersburg Office of Planning & ZoningOnline Construction Permitting and Contractor Licensing, please click the link below:
Sellersburg Online Construction Permitting/LicensingPaper Contractor Licensing Application
Contractor License ApplicationPaper Construction Permit Application and Forms
Commercial Building Permit Application Commercial Class 1 Submittal check list New, Addition, Alteration Electrical Permit Application Fence Permit Application Fire Detection Application Fire Suppression Permit Application Fuel Tank Storage Permit Application Gas Piping Permit Application HVAC Application Use of Property Affidavit Home Owner Permit Affidavit Building Home Owner Permit Affidavit HVAC Home Owner Permit Affidavit Plumbing Home Owner Permit Affidavit Electrical MS4 Permit Plumbing Permit Application Residential Building Permit Application Residential Class 2 new , addition and Alteration Submittal Check List Sign Permit Application Swimming Pool Permit Application Wrecking Permit Application Solicitor License: To be submitted to the Police DepartmentRight Of Way Permitting Applications and Information
Right Of Way Ordinance Right Of Way Permit Application Temporary Street Closure ApplicationCurrent Fee Schedule
Approved Fee ScheduleAssociated Links
Southern Indiana Stormwater Advisory Committee (SISWAC) Clark County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) Sellersburg Storm Water Ordinance Sellersburg Storm Water Technical Standards Current List of Licensed Contractors in the Town of Sellersburg (HVAC, Electrical, General Contractor, Plumbing)
In January of 2021, the Sellersburg Town Council adopted an updated Storm Water Ordinance and Storm Water Technical Standards for all construction projects. Downloads of those documents are available on this page and the within the above links.
The Town of Sellersburg is a member of the Southern Indiana Storm Water Advisory Committee (SISWAC), a partnership of Surrounding MS4 communities working together to promote Storm Water Quality in a consistent effort in public outreach and education, public participation, and construction site erosion control training. Quarterly meetings are held and open to the public for participation.
The Town of Sellersburg also partners with the Clark County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) to implement public outreach and education, public participation and construction site erosion control inspections and training. The SWCD provides education publications on storm water runoff as well as educational programs at the Clark County 4-H Fair.
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Sellersburg Pool Reservation Form
Complete the below form to reserve the pool at Mosley Park