s e l l e r s b u r g

Traffic Study Workshop: Hill N’ Dale & Covered Bridge

In July of 2022, the Town Council unanimously approved a contract with Traffic Engineering Inc. to investigate holistic solutions to long standing traffic concerns in the Covered Bridge and Hill N’ Dale neighborhoods. Data was collected as part of this study through the month of August. The end goal of this study to provide the Town Council future options for traffic calming solutions and the reasons for these recommendations. The Council will then use these findings to plan for future projects.

As part of this contract, representatives from Traffic Engineering Inc. will be presenting the findings of the study to the Town Council at the Town Council Meeting at 6pm on November 14th. Immediately following the Town Council Meeting (approx. 7pm), there will be a public workshop to have a more open ended round table discussion with the representatives from Traffic Engineers, the Council, and interested residents.

These meetings are open to the public and are hosted at Town Hall located at 316 E. Utica Street. Residents of these neighborhoods are encouraged to participate.

Now Accepting Applications

The Town of Sellersburg is looking for some community and team minded people to join the team!

We offer great benefits, paid time off, holidays, overtime available, uniform allowance, and a sense of service by improving the Town and its utilities.

We are looking to fill 1 position in 3 different departments: Water Utility Team Member, Wastewater Utility Team Member, and Streets/Sanitation Department Team Member.

Once applications come in, the Department Heads will review and make recommendations on who they think will fit best on their team based on the applicant’s relevant experience/employment history Vs. each department’s need(s). The Department Heads will then work with the Town Manager to host interviews within each department.

If interested, simply complete the application then drop it off to Town Hall or email a completed version to info@sellersburg.org

Job Descriptions:

Application for Employment:

Click here: Town of Sellersburg Employment Application

Town of Sellersburg Ranks No.19 for Best Suburbs in the U.S.

SELLERSBURG, IN (Haley Cawthon: WLKY News) —

A Southern Indiana town just 10 miles north of Downtown Louisville is one of the best suburbs in the U.S., according to Louisville Business First’s reporting on a recent study.

Sellersburg, Indiana, came in at No. 19 on SmartAsset’s ranking of best suburbs to live in near a large city. SmartAsset is a publisher of consumer-focused financial guides. Sellersburg ranked No. 19 overall out of 494 places in the study.

Here’s how it came up with the ranking:

  • Jobs, including median household income, five-year growth in income and unemployment rate;
  • Affordability, including housing costs as a percent of income, home value-to-income ratio and estimated annual cost of living; and
  • Livability, including high school graduation rate, dining and entertainment as a percent of all establishments and crime rates.

While Sellersburg scored lower for jobs (69) and livability (69), it had high marks for affordability (80). The town, which has just over 9,000 residents, is home to multiple private schools, one of the top-ranked public school systems in the state, Silver Creek School Corp., and Ivy Tech Community College, according to the town’s website.

Sellersburg is also one of the wealthiest zip codes in the Louisville region, according to Louisville Business First research. Its median household income was about $75,400 in 2020, and nearly 8% of households there earned $200,000-plus incomes.

SmartAsset analyzed about 500 suburbs located within 15 minutes to an hour by car of a large city, which it categorized as those with a population of at least 250,000 people.

Legal Fireworks within the Town of Sellersburg

Here is the local ordinance that relates to fireworks. Enjoy and be safe!

Legal Fireworks

From June 29th – July 3rd and July 5th – July 9th: Fireworks may be discharged from 9am – 2 hours after sunset.

On Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, and New Year’s Eve: Fireworks may be discharged from 9am until Midnight.

Ord. 2016-012, passed June 27, 2016

2022 Fall Clean Week

October 10-15, 2022

***CHANGES FOR 2022 Fall Clean Week – Please Read All Information Below***

Due to construction at the Town of Sellersburg Wastewater Plant, the 2022 Fall Clean-Up will be located at Clark County Transfer & Recycling.

Clark County Transfer is located at:

5321 County Road 403

Sellersburg, IN 47172

2022 Fall Clean Week will be Monday, October 10th through Saturday, October 15th. Monday-Friday hours are 6am-4pm with Saturday hours being 7:30am-noon.

Items NOT accepted:

-Any cleaning products, paints, or oils

-No Batteries

-No Asbestos

-No Hazardous Materials

-No Construction Debris (Includes drywall, decking, fence, concrete or asphalt)

-No Televisions

-No Refrigerators

High volumes of cardboard or recyclable materials should be taken to Clark County Recycling located at 112 Industrial Way, Charlestown IN.

Proof of Residency is Required: Driver’s License and Town of Sellersburg Utility Bill showing your matching address that receives Sanitation Service (Trash Collection) must be shown at the check-in station. Failure to do so will result in having to pay Clark County Transfer at the window. This service is only available to those residents who have Town of Sellersburg Sanitation (Trash Collection).

Yard waste may also be disposed of at the same location at no cost.

Town of Sellersburg Board & Commissions Application

The Town Council will be preparing to fill select vacancies on several Boards & Commissions for 2023.

They are looking for those residents who are best and most qualified for the Boards/Commissions they apply for. As part of this process, the Town now has an online application system found on our website under the Boards & Commissions area of the Main Menu.

To submit your name and qualifications for consideration, please click the link below to complete the *online application.


*Certain Boards & Commissions require a mix of political party affiliation per Indiana State Statute.

Information Regarding US-31 INDOT Project

On September 15, 2022 INDOT hosted a public information meeting regarding the upcoming US-31 Project scheduled to begin in summer of 2023.

For those wishing to know more about the project, all information can be found at this link:

You can also stop by Town Hall to view maps of the project.

If you have additional questions regarding this project, please visit INDOT4U.com

Camp Run Parkway, American Way, and the Town Center District

From the 2040 Comprehensive Plan: “The area north of CR 311 at Camp Run Parkway is targeted for a new town center that would allow multiple uses, improve connectivity, define the community’s character, and create a destination within Sellersburg. The town is planning an extension of Camp Run Parkway that would connect CR 311 to IN 60 at Poindexter Lane…”

“The town center has the opportunity to define the character and create a distinct image for Sellersburg. Design standards should be used to direct development in terms of building materials, building orientation, setbacks, height, lighting, signage, landscaping, parking, and pedestrian amenities.”

In early 2022, through the Redevelopment Commission, the Town broke ground on the Camp Run/American Way project. A $4.5M road project to connect SR60 and CO 311 through the Town Center District. Together with INDOT funding the $2.5M intersection improvement on SR60, this area will be the focus for attracting new business and entertainment for the residents of Sellersburg and surrounding communities.

Town Center District (TCD) is not a place, it is an idea. It is a concept of design standards for attracting a certain type of investment. The TCD has upgraded architectural standards along with public spaces featuring buildings at sidewalk, on-street/rear parking, pedestrian amenities, buildings oriented towards the street. This image is a representation of the future vision for the TCD.

Below is a news story from 9/2/2022 featured on WRDB News.

SELLERSBURG, Ind. (WDRB) — Officials in Sellersburg hope a massive project under construction that will connect Highway 60 to Highway 311 helps the town realize its vision of attracting people to visit, work, play and live. 

Camp Run Parkway, right off of Highway 60, has been called the “road to nowhere.” But now, it’s on its way to becoming a road to better places. 

American Way, which is the name of the new road that will connect Highway 60 and Highway 311, features the newly paved road, sidewalks and a large roundabout at the turn. It’s a $4.5 million project that’s funded by a private donor.

While the road appears close to being finished, it won’t completely open until the Indiana Department of Transportation installs a $2.4 million stoplight at the entrance of American Way at Highway 60.

“A lot of people are going to try to think that this is going to be a cut through,” Sellersburg Town Council President Brad Amos said. “It’s not necessarily our desire. Our desires are for people who want to come in here and shop and work and enjoy their family times.”

Due to Sellersburg’s lack of a main street area, the town created American Way with intentions of it becoming a town center district.

“This will be the area we expect people to come to if they want to walk with their kids, if they want to bicycle through here, if they want to come in and visit boutiques or small businesses along the way,” Councilman Terry Langford said.

Visions for the area include boutiques, shops, restaurants and other small businesses.

“We don’t want a bulging business industrial back in here,” Langford said. “We want to keep it down. We want a Main Street USA-type feel.”

Town officials expect the road to open sometime next spring, and they believe businesses will follow soon after. 

The project is keeping up with its town’s growth.

“I think, at the end of the day, everybody will see the exciting things we have in mind,” Amos said.

Copyright 2022 WDRB Media. All Rights Reserved.

Road Closure Alert

The Town of Sellersburg will be conducting storm water pipe repairs under Poindexter Ln. and Mayfair Dr. on August 17th & 18th.

These repairs require road cuts and excavation work that will require temporary road closures beginning Wednesday morning of August 17th lasting through early evening of Thursday August 18th.

Thank you in advance for your understanding and patience while we work to do these repairs.

Users of Poindexter Ln. west of Windsor Dr. will have to detour to County Line Rd. from Hwy 311 (Charlestown Rd.) or West St. Joe Rd.

Mayfair Dr. will be closed at the creek crossing between Windsor Dr. and Newberry Rd.

Poindexter Ln. will be closed just west of Windsor Dr.

Residents of Mayfair Dr. west of the closure will need access Poindexter Ln. from Windsor Dr.