s e l l e r s b u r g

Creation of Jeff/Utica Fire District Impact on all Government Units in the Clark County

The City of Jeffersonville and the Utica Township Fire District are seeking to creating a new taxing territory that will consolidate their fire protection and add a new EMS/ambulance service for the two units of government. The proposed budget for this new taxing territory is $35.1 million.


  • The Jeffersonville/Utica taxing territory has allocated $7 million for the EMS portion. They anticipate generating $3 million from service fees which means the portion covered by tax revenue will be $4 million. County-wide EMS service is currently provided by the Clark County Commissioners via Heartland Ambulances. The cost of this service for the entire county is $3 million. Jeffersonville and Utica Township both receive coverage under the existing county contract.
  • The proposed taxing territory has allocated $28.1 million of the total budget for fire protection services. The current budget for Jeffersonville’s fire services is $14 million.
  • All cities, towns, townships, schools, fire protection districts, and libraries in Clark County will lose money from their budgets annually. The impact analysis links below show the impact over the next 3 years. The new taxing territory gives a larger portion of the available tax revenue to the City of Jeffersonville to cover the proposed $35.1 million budget. This leaves less money available for the other units including schools, towns, and townships.

The creation of the Jeff/Utica Fire District has residual impacts to ALL Government Units of Clark County, not just those in Jeffersonville and Utica.

In the Baker Tilly report above, the numbers do not show the total loss from the base year. It shows the base year, then each year’s deduction from the previous year, leading to some confusion regarding the total impacts.

The downloadable Impact Analysis spreadsheet below, shows the overall impact to all the taxing units.

Click the button below to view the informational public hearing that was hosted on 2/20/25 at Jeffersonville City Council.