A formal Public Hearing will be held on Monday, September 28, 2020 at 5:00 P.M. local time in the Town Council Chambers, 316 E. Utica Street, Sellersburg, Indiana 47172. The purpose of the hearing is to present the Town of Sellersburg Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Expansion project to the public and obtain the public’s input.The project includes rehabilitation and expansion of the existing wastewater treatment plant. This expansion will allow for the treatment of increased average daily flows generated from future growth throughout the Town. The proposed expansion will include adding liquid and solids treatment capacity and rehabilitating existing oxidation ditches, clarifiers, and sludge storage tanks.The project is to be financed through the State of Indiana’s Revolving Loan Fund (SRF) and is necessary to comply with State and Federally imposed mandates. Written comments will be accepted for 5 days after the public hearing, and should be addressed to Charlie Smith, Town Manager, 316 E. Utica Street, Sellersburg, IN 47172.A Preliminary Engineering Report has been prepared and may be viewed by interested parties during normal working hours at the following location:Sellersburg Town Hall
316 E. Utica Street
Sellersburg, Indiana 47172All sewer customers and citizens are invited to attend.Brad Amos, President
Sellersburg Town Council
Sellersburg Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehab & Expansion Public Hearing