s e l l e r s b u r g

REMINDER: Be on the lookout for NO PARKING signs as paving work continues…

Paving crews will begin working through some Town streets the next few weeks, milling and paving.

Milling is scheduled to begin May16th with paving scheduled to begin soon after.

  • Popp Avenue from US-31 to Utica Street
  • Broadway from US-31 to Utica Street
  • S. Fern from US-31 to Utica Street
  • Dold Avenue from Fern to Broadway

Please watch out for NO PARKING signs along the paving routes. Signs are marked with approximate dates for work to happen. During these times, residents are asked not to park on the street to allow crews to swiftly work through your area. If you need somewhere to park temporarily, please use the parking Town Public Park Lot located at the corner of New Albany and Utica Street during the time crews are working.

In the event a vehicle is not moved, every effort will be made to contact the owner by the contactor and the Town of Sellersburg. If vehicles are not relocated and we are not able to get in contact with the owner, there will be no choice but to tow vehicles out of the roadway so crews so paving work can continue.

Thank you in advance for your assistance and patience during these improvement projects!

Sellersburg Water Hydrant Flushing April 18th – 29th

April 18th – 22nd from Sellersburg Water Plant (located on Holmans Ln in Jeffersonville) north through the Town of Sellersburg and surrounding areas.

April 25th – 29th from Sellersburg Water Plant (located on Holmans Ln in Jeffersonville) south through the Jeffersonville service area.

Twice a year, Sellersburg Water flushes the pipes in its water distribution system. This is an essential part of our system maintenance program, which helps us to continue to provide you with high-quality water service. Although a regular part of our water distribution system, we do receive questions from time to time about why we flush. Because hydrant flushing is an important benefit, we’d like to tell you about it.


Flushing our system helps to clean out any build up of mineral deposits and sediment inside the pipes. These deposits can occur when there is a reduced water demand. We also flush our hydrants to confirm they are operational and to check fire flows in our system.


Flushing involves simultaneously opening fire hydrants in a specific area to create increased water flows. When our crews are on your street or nearby, this process usually takes about one hour.


When crews are in your area, you may notice a drop in water pressure or discolored water. Discolored water may occur, because the sediment in water mains get stirred up when the fire hydrants are used and when the flow of water in mains is changed. This is normal. If this happens, it is not harmful. Simply let your water run until it is clear.


  • Draw water for cooking ahead of time.
  • Store a large bottle of water in the refrigerator for drinking.
  • Check for discolored water before using the washing machine or dishwasher.


  • Avoid running your tap water and using the washing machine or dishwasher while crews are flushing in your area.
  • If discolored water occurs, simply run the cold water for a few minutes until it clear. This will allow the sediment to work its way through your pipes.
  • Check for discolored water before using the washing machine or dishwasher. Wait until the water runs clear at the tap before doing laundry or running the dishwasher. NOTE: If your laundry becomes stained, DO NOT PUT YOUR LAUNDRY IN THE DRYER. Rewash clothes immediately using detergent and add a rust remover. Most rust removers can also be used on stained fixtures.

In some cases, slight discoloration might linger for a few hours. This discoloration only affects the appearance of the water and does not affect water quality. No health hazards are associated with discolored water from hydrant flushing. If water pressure or water volume seems low after flushing has been completed, check your faucet screens for trapped particles.

Yard Waste Collection to Begin 3/7/2022

Yard Waste Collection

Yard Waste is collected on recycling days between March and December.
Please be aware of the weight of containers because they are manually handled by the collection crew.

Vegetative material can either be placed in two (2) 32-gallon cans, clearly marked YARD WASTE on the side of the cans or three (3) biodegradable paper yard waste bags. There is a Two (2) can or Three (3) bag limit per pick-up. Yard Waste is vegetative materials only.

DO NOT PLACE DIRT, ROCK, CONCRETE, ANIMAL WASTE, TRASH, PLASTIC, OR ANY OTHER NON-VEGETATIVE MATERIALS in yard waste containers. Any of these materials will result in non-collection.

Limbs should be bundled in 4-5 ft. lengths tied securely with baling string or cord. There is a limit of Two (2) bundles per pickup up to 15 larger limbs, with a diameter no larger than 3 inches. These may be placed at the curb with the cut end toward the street.
For large amounts of yard waste, may dispose of it at Earth First on Hwy 403. For more information, please call them directly at (812)248-0712.

In the fall, the Town provides leaf pickup on a weekly basis, beginning around mid- October, leaves must be placed in paper bags and placed at the curb. There is no limit to this service, but we encourage mulching or composting leaves, if at all possible. Please note, open burning in the Town of Sellersburg is NOT permitted.
This service terminates on December 1st

INDOT Community Crossing Matching Grant Projects to Start in the Town of Sellersburg

The INDOT Community Crossing Matching Grant (CCMG) Road Projects within the Town of Sellersburg are starting in February 2022 with an estimated completion in August 2022. Once the public bidding process was complete, the project award was won by Libs Paving Company. and projects awarded. Work to include mill/paving. Work will also include concrete curb repair, storm drain repairs, and sidewalk repairs where applicable.

“I commend my fellow Town Councilmen for their teamwork and support of funding for CCMG,” Brad Amos, Council President said. “We are all very excited to continue improving the Town of Sellersburg and roads are just part of the improvements we need to make.”

Governor Eric Holcomb and Indiana Department of Transportation Commissioner Joe McGuinness announced on November 3, 2021 Community Crossings award recipients for 2022. A total of 218 Indiana cities, towns, and counties received a combined $101.9 million in state matching funds for local road projects.

“Community Crossings continues to have a transformative effect on communities across Indiana” Governor Holcomb said. “The partnership between the state and local governments is empowering Hoosier cities, towns and counties to invest more and take on bigger projects than ever before to modernize their local transportation systems to meet the demand of our growing economy.” The Town of Sellersburg received the maximum amount available of $1,000,000.

“Receiving these CCMG funds at this level continues to show the commitment this council has to improve the Town” Council President Brad Amos said. “This Council is ‘TEAM SELLERSBURG’ and this group’s community minded attitude towards making improvements to this Town is like nothing I’ve ever seen… We all work great together, it shows!”

Since its inception in 2016, the Community Crossing Initiative has provided more than $1 billion in state matching funds for local construction projects. “Community Crossings is one of the most important tools available to our local partners to support their efforts to improve local roads and bridges,” INDOT Commissioner Joe McGuinness said. “Rebuilding and improving local roads, while also addressing safety needs, promotes growth and enhances the business environment and quality of place across Indiana.”

To qualify for funding, local governments must provide local matching funds, 50 percent for larger communities or 25 percent for smaller communities, from a funding source approved for road and bridge construction. The Town of Sellersburg is a 25 percent community. Communities must also submit an INDOT-approved asset management plan for maintaining existing roads and bridges.

Within Sellersburg Town limits, the following road improvement projects will be completed in 2022 as part of CCMG:

  • Alden Rd
  • Broadway St
  • Bucheit Ave
  • Catapla St
  • Clareva Rd
  • Dold Ave
  • Edgewood Dr
  • Edgeland Ave
  • Greenbriar Blvd (from Winged Foot to St Andrews Pl)
  • Hermitage Tr
  • Kay Ave
  • Lakeside Drive (from Silver Glade Tr to 900’ east of Silver Glade Tr)
  • Linwood Ave
  • Lisa Ave
  • Magnolia Pt
  • Mt. Sterling Dr
  • Mulberry St
  • Newberry Rd
  • Oakview Dr
  • Payne Kohler Rd (from Wilson Ln to Terry Ln)
  • Pinehurst Ct
  • Popp Ave (from US31 to Utica St)
  • S Fern St (from Penn St to US31)
  • S New Albany St (from US31 to Utica St)
  • Schellers Ave
  • Sellers Ave
  • Silver Glade Trail
  • Silver St
  • St Andrew Pl
  • St Paul St (from Lisa Ave to Schellers Ave)
  • Sterling Terrace
  • Turnberry Trace
  • Twinbrook Dr
  • Vardon Vista
  • Wilson Ln
  • Winged Foot Dr (from Greenbriar to Covered Bridge Rd)


While preparations are ongoing, it is important all residents understand the potential severity of what is coming.

From the TOWN OF SELLERSBURG STREET DEPARTMENT: Snow we can move…. Ice we cannot move. The Town cannot pretreat the roadways due to the rain that is leading into this ice event. We will be out in force to pretreat the roads prior to the expected changeover from rain to freezing rain. However, please expect traveling to be extremely dangerous throughout the afternoon of 2/3/22 and into 2/4/22 as we work through our plan of attack. Related to downed trees blocking the roadway, Town Crews will respond as quickly as possible. We ask for patience as we work our way to the scene. Crews will work to open the roadway for emergency response purposes but will not haul of the debris at this time. Cutting and pushing the blockage out of the right of way for the time being to keep roads open is the priority. The Town will reassess clean up after the storm has cleared. Please report blocked roadways by submitting a report at Sellersburg.org REPORT AN ISSUE found on the home page. Please report downed powerlines by calling 9-1-1.

From the TOWN OF SELLERSBURG POLICE DEPARTMENT: Please make the safest choice possible. PLEASE LIMIT YOUR TRAVEL TO ESSENTIAL TRAVEL ONLY. Ice is a major issue. It doesn’t matter what type of vehicle you have; it will be treacherous the next couple of days. If you must be out in the weather, ensure you have emergency supplies with you and a full tank of gas as it could be hours before assistance arrives should you have troubles. If possible, travel during the day and not travel alone. Please do not crowd the snowplows. Also, let someone know of your destination and route. That way, if you don’t arrive, emergency response know where to find you. Please take all precautions to be able to shelter in place at home or in your vehicle if traveling. This includes preparing for loss of power, medications, batteries, blankets, food, water, etc. Should you lose power, never use a generator, camp stove, charcoal grill, or gasoline or propane heater indoors as these items can start accidental fires, cause electric shock, and/or cause deadly carbon monoxide poisoning. Never heat a home with a cooktop or oven. Limit your time outdoors and stay dry.

Monitor local news and alerts for emergency information and instructions.
Please be patient as response times for all emergency personnel and road crews may be delayed due to hazardous road conditions.

Clark County Indiana Office of Emergency Communications Board discontinues Everbridge Mass Communication Application

The Clark County Indiana Office of Emergency Communications Board voted to not renew the service contract with Everbridge Mass Communication Application effective 2022.

Therefore, the Town of Sellersburg will no longer be able to send emergency notices via the Everbridge App. Instead, we’ve begun transitioning to a Sellersburg specific system that allows us to more effectively communicate regarding utility and/or public emergencies. Our new notification system is part of the Town’s billing software costing no additional rates or tax dollars to implement.

Within the next mailed billing statement (to be received in February), please verify and update all of the current contact information associated with your account. We specifically need your home phone number, your cell phone number to receive texts, and/or your email address for Emergency ALERT notifications.

Please let us know if any of this important information needs to be updated by sending them to PKing@Sellersburg.org, by calling the Sellersburg Billing Office at (812)246.3821 ext. 1, or by including any updates within your submitted mailed payment.

Now Hiring: Sellersburg Wastewater Department

The Town of Sellersburg has an immediate opening for a Wastewater Team Member. The Town will be accepting applications through January 12, 2022 for this position. Experience is not required but preferred for this position.

Please click below to review the job description:

To apply, please complete the application and return by email to MMedcalf@sellersburg.org or drop it off at Town Hall located at 316 E. Utica Street on or before close of business January 12, 2022.


12/22/21: Town of Sellersburg Street Department has been working on St. Joe Road East, installing new signage poles and rumble warning strips. This is in preparation for the intersection of St. Joe Rd. East and Alabama Avenue to become to a 3-way stop.

On Tuesday, December 28, 2021, STOP signage will be installed in accordance with Ordinance Number 2021-OR-28.

Please be mindful of this change as you travel St. Joe Rd. East at Alabama Avenue beginning 12/28/21.