Within the Town of Sellersburg, there is some basic, yet important information regarding the placement and storage of your trash cans all residents should be aware of.
Additional information can be found on the Street & Sanitation Department page of this website.
Placement for Weekly Trash Collection
In the Town of Sellersburg, we use an automated system for trash collection. The trash truck is operated by one individual from the cab of the truck. There is an automated side arm that is controlled by the driver to empty the can into the top of the truck. It is very important that your cans are placed properly at the edge of the roadway so it can be collected.

Be sure the front of the can is facing the street.

Be sure not to stack your cans. They need to be placed side by side so the truck’s arm can get to it.

Be sure to keep a minimum of 2-3 feet between the cans. If the cans are placed too closely together, the truck’s arm cannot separate the cans.
It is also very important NOT to overload your can. The lid needs to be able to close in order for us to be able to collect it. If the lid will not close, the trash in the can causes issues during the emptying process. It can also result in damage to your can’s lid. In addition, we have no way of knowing what is in the can. There have been multiple times when overloaded cans have slipped out of the collection arm and ended up in the trash truck due to the excessive weight. Overloading your can will result in an No Pickup for the that week.
It is also very important NOT to stack any trash on top of a trash can lid when closed. Doing so will result in a No Pickup for that week. This is because the trash that is on top will get thrown over the truck or come off during the lifting process resulting in trash littering the area.
Storage of your Trash Cans
Within the Town of Sellersburg, it is against local ordinance to leave your trash cans by the road or on the sidewalk. The ordinance that governs this can be found by clicking here.
In summary, this ordinance simply states that trash cans cannot be stored on the sidewalk, within the public right-of-way, or in the front yard of a residence unless permitted for good cause by the Street Commissioner.
Please take the time to make proper arrangements as it relates to Ordinance No. 2023-OR-020. If you would like to make contact with the Street Commissioner regarding collection placement or storage of your trash cans due to some sort of limitation or good cause, please contact Scott Griffin at SGriffin@sellersburg.org to schedule a time to meet. Once any potential arrangements have been made and approved, these will be noted within your Town of Sellersburg Billing Account for future reference.
Thank you in advance for working with us to address this issue in an effort to keep sidewalks and rights-of-way clear of obstacles!