s e l l e r s b u r g

Redevelopment Commission

Town of Sellersburg Redevelopment Commission

Authorized under IC 36-7-14, the Sellersburg Redevelopment Commission is a six-member board appointed by the Town Council comprised of five voting members and one non-voting school board advisor.

The Redevelopment Commission is tasked with implementing projects and assisting development activities to promote growth and investment in the community. This is accomplished through the preparation and implementation of plans, engineering and funding public infrastructure improvements, and encouraging redevelopment through private and public partnerships.

The Redevelopment Commission has caused to be created a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District, where it primarily focuses its activities. The funds generated within the TIF District provide the necessary resources to support new investment and allows the Redevelopment Commission to accomplish its objectives.

Facade Improvement Grant

The Town of Sellersburg Redevelopment Commission (RDC) wishes to partner with businesses and commercial property owners within certain districts in the Town of Sellersburg to support growth and investment within the community. The RDC’s main objective for Façade Improvement Program is to encourage private investment in real estate within the following districts:
• Gateway Overlay District (GO)
• Downtown (DT)
• Town Center (TC)

To view the Town Zoning Map, click here: TOS Zoning Map

The purpose is to support investment that promotes visual improvement, preservation, and economic vitality for the subject properties. The RDC is authorized to administer grants and loans as provided for by I.C. 36-7-14-12.2 (a)(26). The Façade Improvement Grant program is funded through the Economic Redevelopment (RDC) or through such other means determined reasonable by the Town Council based on the specific application at the request of the RDC to the Town Council.

Eligible projects include exterior general building and property improvements, for example: exterior painting or repairs, masonry repair and tuckpointing, exterior structural rehabilitation, roof replacement, windows/doors/storefronts, signage, awnings, and landscaping. Projects may include parking area surfacing/resurfacing and repair if this work is not the only work performed within the project. Projects that encompass capital investments above and beyond general building/property improvements are encouraged and preferred. All improvements must comply with the Town of Sellersburg zoning and building regulations and be approved by the Town of Sellersburg Plan Commission and/or the Building Commissioner as required.

To view the full application, details, and/or to print a copy for submission, please click here: Sellersburg RDC Facade Grant PDF


Town Center District

Camp Run Commons and the Town Center District is an area of emphasis within the Sellersburg TIF District. Concepts for the area are highlighted by the creation of a mixed-use district and Town Center that promotes a Live/Work/Play style of development. Camp Run is bound by County Road 311 and Highway 60, and the Redevelopment Commission is currently investigating infrastructure improvements to serve the area.

Silver Creek Logistics Center

The Silver Creek Logistics Center is a best-in-class distribution development from Clarion Partners, one of the nation’s premier institutional real estate investment managers. Located on Highway 31, less than one mile from Interstate 65, the park will consist of over 1 million square feet of space across two class A buildings.

Redevelopment Commission

The Redevelopment Commission (RDC) oversees the town’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) districts and economic development funds. The RDC consists of five members appointed by the Town Council and one non-voting appointed by the Silver Creek School Corporation. Commission meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at 6 pm in Sellersburg Town Hall.

Redevelopment Commission Members

Terry Langford - President

Doug Reiter - Vice President

Patrick Duggins - Secretary

Todd Antz

Michael Richardson

Consultant: Nick Lawerance

Recording Secretary: Michelle Medcalf


Attorney: Justin Endris