Town Council

Scott McVoy
District One
As a resident of the Town of Sellersburg who has actively been a participant in youth sports as a coach and administrator in multiple leagues, I became aware either through personal experience or in speaking with other residents about how our small town had fallen behind and was in a state of disrepair and lacked leadership in some areas. As a lifelong public servant, I found it necessary to become involved in local government to help bring our town back to being one of the most desirable, safe, and best places to live in the Southern Indiana region.
I believe our rich tradition from the past mixed with the potential for responsible future growth will achieve our goal of making Sellersburg the best place to live, work, and play in Southern Indiana. While we have set our goals and standards for our town high, these goals and standards can be achieved when all of us are involved, communicating, transparent, and working together. Repairing and modernizing infrastructure, attracting new business and opportunity for all of our residents, continuing to expand our park systems, and beautifying our town are just a handful of examples that I have chosen to help achieve for our residents and visitors.

Randall Mobley
District Two
I have been asked several times as to why I wanted to be a Town Council representative. The answer quickly came to me and it was because I cared about my community. It seemed to me, in the last few years our Town Council was very divided, and my thoughts were if we wanted to move forward, we needed to make some changes.
As we moved forward during the election process, things became very apparent that change was coming. As it turned out, four new council members were elected. It has been my pleasure to work with this Council, whom I really respect. One of the first items that we all agreed upon was the hiring of a Town Manager, in order to oversee the many changes that our town needed. I believe Sellersburg is heading in a positive direction, with caring people and community involvement. I am honored to be a part of this process and to actively represent my district. Go Team Sellersburg!!!!!

Brad Amos
District Three
I am a 1986 graduate of Silver Creek High School, lifelong resident of Sellersburg, and have been employed at Superior Print, Inc. in Sellersburg since 1989. Since 2015, I have lived to serve the Town of Sellersburg as one of your elected Council members. I am proud to have created relationships with private and public agencies to promote local economic growth for our town!
I look forward to continuing work with my fellow Council members and newly hired Town Manager. It is our vision to create positive growth balanced with reinvestment back into the Sellersburg Community to address our long-standing issues. Since this council’s time in office began, I am proud of the progress we have made like pushing for the overhaul of Old Hwy 60 and investing in our Parks. I am excited to continue to make the long overdue improvements into our wastewater and water systems while finding solutions to the stormwater issues that have plagued this community for a long time. I want every resident to be as proud of this community as I am, and I will continue to do everything I can to make Sellersburg better than it was yesterday.

Terry Langford
District Four
Having been born and raised in the Town of Sellersburg and being a Silver Creek High School along with both of my children and soon my grandson, Sellersburg has always been a place I am proud to call my home. That said, by becoming a Council Member, I feel it is my opportunity to give back to this community.
My past service to the Town started on The Parks and Recreation Board and where I was soon elected President of that board. Not long after, I began to serve on the Planning and Zoning Board. Being involved in these daily functions of our town drove me to run for the Town Council position. I am now serving my third term and I still feel the same way that I did at the beginning. I am inspired by the different projects we have on our short and long term agendas.

Matthew Czarnecki
District At Large
Fifteen years ago, my wife and I came upon Sellersburg which immediately felt like home. It was then we chose to move here from Wisconsin to raise our children. As we put our kids through school, my family’s passion grew for this community. After we had moved here, I began to notice things that others had also been concerned about and where not getting addressed. It was then I started to attend the council meetings and get more involved in the schools to help. It was this involvement that led me to a passion to do more for my community as a councilman.
I ran to be a councilman because of my passion for this community. I want people to be prosperous in this community. I want to have great schools for our kids because they are our future. I want people to make this their homes forever and be able to enjoy nice restaurants and shops in town. I want to move forward with projects that our taxpayers have wanted for years. We need better roads, an updated wastewater plant, to fix our outdated sewers and the old pipes of our drinking water… But that is just the start! My commitment to you is that I will continue to push to get these projects to get completed, with passion!
General Contact Information
Town Council Districts
District Map beginning 1/1/2023
Town of Sellersburg YouTube Channel
Invite your Council Representative….
To request a meeting with your Council Representative or have them attend a community function, you can contact them direct at respective emails, call 812.246.3821 to speak with the Town Manager or Executive Secretary, or email
Town of Sellersburg Foundation Award Nomination Application
For generations, the limestone found around Sellersburg has been quarried and the jobs created served as the foundation of this great community. No building or community can be built without a strong foundation, whether stone or great people like those right here in the Town of Sellersburg. This award pays tribute to those residents whose contributions to our Town, State, or Nation and live up to this founding ideal: “It takes great people to lay the foundation for us to continue to live and build our lives here in this wonderful Town of Sellersburg.”
To nominate a resident for the Town of Sellersburg Foundation Award, please complete the online application found in the link below:
Town of Sellersburg Foundation Award Nomination Application