October 30th - November 3rd 2023
October 30th-November 3rd – from Sellersburg Water Plant (located on Holmans Ln in Jeffersonville) south through the Jeffersonville service area.
As part of regular maintenance of the water distribution system, Sellersburg Water flushes the watermains using the fire hydrant system. This is an essential part of our system maintenance program, which helps us to continue to provide you with high-quality water service. Although a regular part of our water distribution system, we do receive questions from time to time about why we flush. Because hydrant flushing is an important benefit, we’d like to tell you about it.
Flushing our system helps to clean out any build up of mineral deposits and sediment inside the pipes. These deposits can occur when there is a reduced water demand. We also flush our hydrants to confirm they are operational and to check fire flows in our system.
Flushing involves simultaneously opening fire hydrants in a specific area to create increased water flows. When our crews are on your street or nearby, this process usually takes about one hour.
When crews are in your area, you may notice a drop in water pressure or discolored water. Discolored water may occur, because the sediment in water mains get stirred up when the fire hydrants are used and when the flow of water in mains is changed. This is normal. If this happens, it is not harmful. Simply let your water run until it is clear.
- Draw water for cooking ahead of time.
- Store a large bottle of water in the refrigerator for drinking.
- Check for discolored water before using the washing machine or dishwasher.
- Avoid running your tap water and using the washing machine or dishwasher while crews are flushing in your area.
- If discolored water occurs, simply run the cold water for a few minutes until it clear. This will allow the sediment to work its way through your pipes.
- Check for discolored water before using the washing machine or dishwasher. Wait until the water runs clear at the tap before doing laundry or running the dishwasher. NOTE: If your laundry becomes stained, DO NOT PUT YOUR LAUNDRY IN THE DRYER. Rewash clothes immediately using detergent and add a rust remover. Most rust removers can also be used on stained fixtures.
In some cases, slight discoloration might linger for a few hours. This discoloration only affects the appearance of the water and does not affect water quality. No health hazards are associated with discolored water from hydrant flushing. If water pressure or water volume seems low after flushing has been completed, check your faucet screens for trapped particles.