s e l l e r s b u r g

Streets & Sanitation

Working together for a better community!

The Sellersburg Streets and Sanitation Department strives to provide the best service to residents as possible. The staff within this department is responsible for maintenance of town streets, signs, and trash collections.

Streets and Sanitation Department Lead

Scott Griffin





Scott Griffin joined the Town of Sellersburg, coming from the Town of Palmyra, in of August of 2020. Scott brings a long career of hands-on experience related to roads, storm drains, concrete, and general construction. Scott also assists the Parks Department with general maintenance at the Sellersburg Pool.

Town Trash Collection

Residential trash shall be collected by the Town of Sellersburg Sanitation Department weekly for $10 per month per can with a maximum of 2 cans per address. Trash cans shall be a Town of Sellersburg 96-Gallon *TOTER Trash Container (maximum of two (2) per residential address).
Trash cans are available for purchase for $75.00 by contacting the Utility Billing Office at (812)246-3821 Ext. 1

*TOTER Brand Trash Containers have a 10 year warrantee. Please contact the Utility Billing Office for more information.

Out of Warranty Replacement Parts for damaged trash cans are available for purchase from the Utility Billing Office by calling (812)246-3821 Ext. 1. Out of Warranty Replacement Cans are $75.00.
-Lid Kit: $35.00
-Wheel Kit: $30.00
-Pick-Up Bar Kit: $7.00

-If you are unable to install parts, there is a $25.00 Service Charge for installation of parts.

All garbage and bags must be placed within the Town of Sellersburg TOTER container for collection.

Sanitation employees will not collect anything placed on the ground. Please have your trash container at the curb prior to 6:00am on your collection day.
Cardboard should be placed out for the Clark County Recycling Program in accordance with their collection schedule.

Trash containers must be placed at the curb for collection with a clearance of 3 feet in all directions of the container. The front of the can MUST face the street or the truck will not collect your trash that week.

Trash cans SHALL NOT be stored on sidewalks (public right of way) or in front yards of a residence per Ordinance No. 2023-OR-020.

Please do not mix yard waste (vegetative material such as flowers, sticks, grass, etc.) with trash. The landfill does not accept yard waste. The landfill also does not accept Televisions, Computers or other electronic devices. Please contact Clark County Recycling for disposal options for these items.

Trash Collection schedule shall be as follows:
Monday- Indian Oaks, Cooperdale, Dreyer Lane area, Stonegate Manor

Tuesday- Downtown Sellersburg Area- Utica (E & W), Fern, Kahl, Broadway, Popp, N&S New Albany Street, Linnwood (old Linnwood side), Twinbrook area

Wednesday- Sterling Oaks and Hill N Dale area

Thursday- Covered Bridge, Allentown area north of Sterling Oaks

Friday- Creston, Greenwood area, Lakeside Area, and Forrest Estates

Yard Waste Collection

Yard Waste is collected on recycling days between March and December.

Bi-Weekly Yard Waste Collection in 2025 will begin the week of March 17th.

Please be aware of the weight of containers because they are manually handled by the collection crew.

Vegetative material can either be placed in two (2) 32-gallon cans, clearly marked YARD WASTE on the side of the cans or three (3) biodegradable paper yard waste bags. There is a Two (2) can or Three (3) bag limit per pick-up. Yard Waste is vegetative materials only.

DO NOT PLACE DIRT, ROCK, CONCRETE, ANIMAL WASTE, TRASH, PLASTIC, OR ANY OTHER NON-VEGETATIVE MATERIALS in yard waste containers. Any of these materials will result in non-collection.

Limbs should be bundled in 4-5 ft. lengths tied securely with baling string or cord. There is a limit of Two (2) bundles per pickup up to 15 larger limbs, with a diameter no larger than 3 inches. These may be placed at the curb with the cut end toward the street.
Residents with more yard waste may dispose of at Clark County Transfer & Recycling on Hwy 403. For more information, please call them directly at (812)282-8877.

In the fall, the Town provides leaf pickup on a weekly basis, beginning around mid- October, leaves must be placed in paper bags and placed at the curb. There is no limit to this service, but we encourage mulching or composting leaves, if at all possible.

2025 FALL WEEKLY YARD WASTE COLLECTION: This service will begin on October 13th. This will end the week of December 15th.

Please note, open burning in the Town of Sellersburg is NOT permitted.

Please, DO NOT intentionally blow or place your fallen leaves into the street. The street sweeper is designed to clean up trash and leaves that have fallen into the roadway as part of normal road debris. While we do street sweeping, it is not intended for your yard waste. Large amounts of leaves clog the vacuum system of the sweeper truck and also clog storm drains that will lead to flooding.

In addition, leaves intentionally blown into the limits of any street, sidewalk, alley, or public way is considered littering in the Town of Sellersburg and enforced by the Sellersburg Police Department per Town Code: § 130.01 LITTERING (Ord. 502, passed 4-22-91)

This service is not available within the Friendly Villages of Indian Oaks Mobile Home Park. The Town only provides standard trash collection per an agreement with the ownership of Indian Oaks.

Recycling within the Town of Sellerburg

Clark County Recycling District provides curbside recycling service every other week within the Town of Sellersburg limits.

This service is not managed by the Town. If you have any questions about recycling, please call (812)256-7942 and they will be happy to assist you.

You can also visit their website at www.recycleclarkcounty.org

Town of Sellersburg Street Sweeping Information

The Town of Sellersburg S&S Department provides street sweeping on Town roads on a bi-weekly basis except during the Fall Season, when it is done weekly. Street sweeping occurs the week opposite recycling/yard waste weeks. There is not a set day crews will sweep your roadway. The driver starts on Monday and goes until they are done.

Please do not intentionally blow your fallen leaves or grass clippings into the street. While we do street sweeping, it is not intended for your yard waste. The street sweeper is designed to clean up leaves that have fallen into the roadway and normal road debris. Large amounts of leaves and grass can clog the vacuum system of the sweeper truck and also clog storm drains that will lead to flooding.

In addition, leaves and grass intentionally blown into the limits of any street, sidewalk, alley, or public way is considered littering in the Town of Sellersburg and enforced by the Sellersburg Police Department per Town Code:

§ 130.01 LITTERING (Ord. 502, passed 4-22-91)

No Dumping within the Town of Sellersburg

The putting, throwing, dumping, leaving or depositing or causing to be put, thrown, dumped, left or deposited, any paper, boxes, tin cans, brush, brick, wood, glass, dirt, sand, gravel, grass, leaves, debris, rubbish or refuse of any kind or character whatsoever, in or upon or within the limits of any street, alley, sidewalk, yard, thoroughfare or public way in the town, without permission, shall be unlawful.

This section shall be enforced by the Police Department. 130.01 LITTERING (`93 Code, § 6-108) (Ord. 502, passed 4-22-91)

Live Christmas Tree Collection After Christmas

Will be picked up following the New Year’s holidays. Place them at the curb on regular trash pickup days but be sure to remove all decorations and do not put it in a plastic disposal bag. Doing so will result in a No Pick-Up.

Live Christmas Tree Pick Up will typically happen the first full week after the New Year’s Holiday.

Snow Removal Information

Keeping roads, sidewalks, and parking lots clear of snow is a cooperative effort! Thank you for your help in keeping the Town of Sellersburg safe for all residents. We understand you have a life and have somewhere to be.

Our goal is for Town of Sellersburg managed roadways to be cleared and safe for travel faster than all other surrounding communities.
• Crews work around the clock and in multiple shifts as needed depending on the snow event.
• In the event the snow accumulations happen when it is extremely cold, the treatment for melting may not be effective during the overnight hours due to frigid temperatures. UV radiation from sun exposure during the daytime hours will speed the melting process. If there was an overnight snow event, please take your time in the morning as the roads may have been treated but slick spots may still happen.

How Does the Town Handle Snow Removal?
The Town begins preparing for snow long before the first flakes hit the ground. When weather conditions are appropriate, crews apply a brine liquid to roadways before forecasted snow/icy conditions. We manufacture our own brine and apply it with our homemade spreading tanks.

As snow fall accumulates, the Town broken down into 3 separate assigned areas where teams begin working. Where possible, the teams will clear a single road in one pass using multiple trucks in a staggard pattern. We use a mix of our F-250’s and dump trucks that have been outfitted with plows and salt spreaders. The teams will stage at the start of the snow event and begin clearing once accumulation begins. They will then go nonstop until the storm passes and all roads are clear, treated, and safe.

If you are on the roads during a snow event and see our snowplows coming towards you in a neighborhood, PLEASE give them the right of way.

Snow accumulations at the curb caused by Town plows are unavoidable. Please understand that work crews cannot stop to clear driveways as this occurs.

How Can You Help?
• On street parking can slow the snow removal process. If you typically park in the street but have somewhere off the street to park when snow is forecast (such as a driveway), you are asked to do so. This will allow crews to better clear the roadways. In addition, parking the additional vehicle in your driveway will make clearing your driveway easier because the snow never reaches your driveway.
• If you have nowhere to park EXCEPT for in the street, please park as close to the curb as possible.
• If snow falls when you are supposed to be putting your trash cans out for collection, DO NOT place your trash cans &/or recycling in the street. Please place trash cans approximately 3ft behind the curb. The Town trash truck has an extendable arm that will be able to reach it.

Driving During a Snow Event
• If at all possible, we ask that you stay off the roadways during a snow event. This will allow us to more quickly clear roadways. In addition, should you have a “slide off” or other accident, response time could be diminished due to the storm.
• If you are driving and see Town vehicles clearing the roadway, please pull over and out of the way to allow them to pass. This will aid in speeding up the clearing process.
• If you do have to drive during or immediately after a snow event, please let someone know where you are going and expected arrive time. Also be sure to take appropriate precaution to have provisions in your vehicle should you become stuck. Depending on the snow event, emergency response time could be diminished due to road conditions.

The Town does not clear streets within the Friendly Villages of Indian Oaks. Streets within Indian Oaks are private and maintained by the ownership of Indian Oaks.

Large Item Collection Program

Large Items to be collected must be scheduled with the Sellersburg Billing Office before Noon on the day before the Large Item Collection Day by calling 812.246.3821 Ext. 1.
-Collection dates are the Thursday of Recycling Week. You must call the office on Wednesday by noon to be added to the collection route.
-By calling ahead, we can efficiently schedule the route for our drivers.
-Large items placed on the curb for pick-up without scheduling will not be collected and be tagged with information related to scheduling.
-Your account must be current to take advantage of this service.
-This service is only available to residential Sellersburg Sanitation Customers.

This program is for large item collection, not large quantity collection. The Town reserves the right to deny collection service depending on the quantity of items upon arrival.

For full details, including what will and will not be collected, please click the link: Large Item Collection Information 

*All lawn mowers etc. must have all oil, gas, and fluids drained prior to pick up.

This service is not available within the Friendly Villages of Indian Oaks. The Town only provides standard trash collection per an agreement with the ownership of Indian Oaks.